No interview today! Rekka will give a status update on the goals she set in January for 2019. They have changed!
What are/were my 2019 SMART Goals?
Original goals: Submit 4 short stories to pubs, finish Salvage, do a new season of Phantom Traveler, work on Peridot anthology short stories (at least four, ideally 100K words’ worth for a volume)
Current goals: Finish Salvage, Submit Cast Off to Parvus, complete Season Two of Phantom Traveler, produce & publish Fringe (PTS1), write Peridot novella (2020?), 100K words of Peridot side stories for Facets anthology (2019?)
Where am I starting today? What were my goals as stated last time?
Last time, I was working on Salvage revs. Those were handed in early Feb. Now it’s with Parvus, though I’ve re-read and made notes and come up with a few other thoughts as I draft Cast Off.
Making notes for Salvage final revs, waiting for Parvus feedback. Drafting Cast Off (MarNoWriMo). Fringe waiting on Murderboard. Phantom Traveler Season Two written and scheduled through May episode.
What steps can I take to move forward toward those goals before I record our next episode?
Just keep at it. 5010 words/day to hit 100K for March. I’m way behind. I already adjusted my goal word count from 150 to 100K, but haven’t been able to hit the quotas for that, either. I would be behind if this were a 50K month, too. Quota by Saturday the 23rd is 74,194 at /31 pace (or 59,914 at /16 pace). Currently at 19,834.
What kinds of things are within my control? What kinds of things are beyond my control?
Waiting on Parvus feels like a loss of control, though I’m very fortunate to be able to check in frequently. They are comfortable sending book ARCs as-is if necessary (I am less-so), and accepting the final on May 1.
Having sleep issues. Feels like it’s out of my control, but I know better. Taking measures to be better about this. DST and travel and illness set me back, which is frustrating. I look exHAUSTED, no lie.
Getting better about blocking and managing my time since Wednesday and it feels really good, but it hasn’t resulted in me waking up any earlier at the moment.
Bit of family stress going on right now, and I can’t pretend that doesn’t affect my focus. Meditating and journaling to mitigate those effects.
Future Episode Topics:
Mar 28: Editorial Revisions for Salvage
April 4: The MarNoWriMo Push to Draft Cast Off
Other episodes mentioned in today’s recording:
* Episode 64: S.M.A.R.T. Goals* Episode 66: New Year, Who Dis?* Episode 69: Shifting Goals
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