The PM&R Podcast

Episode 8: Hypnoanalgesia

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Our guest today is Renzo Lanfranco, LPsy, MSc. Dr. Lanfrano is trained in clinical psychology and obtained a Masters of Science in neuroscience from the University of Chile, where he is currently adjunct professor. He is an associate investigator in the Laboratory of Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the Center of Investigation UDP- Foundation INECO for the Neurosciences. Dr. Lanfranco will discuss hypnoanalgesia with us today and his recently published article, Hypnoanalgesia and the study of pain experience: from Cajal to modern neuroscience


Discussed article citation:

Lanfranco, Renzo C., Andrés Canales-Johnson, and David Huepe. "Hypnoanalgesia and the study of pain experience: from Cajal to modern neuroscience." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014).

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The PM&R PodcastBy Lysander Jim, MD & Mauro Zappaterra, MD, PhD