The theme for Debatable IV's novice and junior finals is philosophy! The nature vs nurture debate is a classic one in psychology and philosophy. The question of what makes us who we are gives us profound insight on the nature of humanity and the human condition. One recent contribution to this debate is a concept called the "collective unconscious," defined by psychoanalyst Carl Jung.
The collective unconscious is a body of knowledge containing all of human experience that all human beings tap into when making decisions. The collective unconscious is responsible ffo many deep-seated beliefs and instincts, both positive (ie: charity, selfless acts, open-mindedness, etc.) and negative (ie: racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc.). It is said to influence a person's preferences, dreams, ideals, and goals based on the many factors that a person has no control over, even before they are born. It establishes the idea that a segment of humanity is genetically inherited and not shaped by personal experience.
The motion asks us whether even the very idea of a collective unconscious is doing more harm than good. It reads: THP a world where the idea of a collective unconscious does not exist. We are so thankful to Miko Bombeo for contributing this motion and for letting us interview them for this post-debate analysis!
00:00 Introduction1:15 What makes debating philosophy fun?2:27 What is the collective unconscious?3:30 What inspired this motion?5:09 What was the context behind this theory?7:09 What is the debate about?8:48 Framing for gov12:01 What's the alternative?13:53 Arguing on gov17:13 Extending on gov19:30 Reframing and arguing on opp21:58 Weighing harms and benefits on opp25:31 Extending on opp28:05 Advice for philo motions