The Hybrid Author Podcast

Episode 82 – Publishing Calendar and Workflow

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Welcome back. I am Rekka, writing science fiction and fantasy as R.J. Theodore, and you, my audience, are coming to me one of two ways. You are either watching this video as my R.J. Theodore YouTube monthly shop-talk or you are listening as a subscriber, hopefully, to Hybrid Author Podcast. The podcast is audio only and, of course, you have audio and visual on YouTube. Consume how you like! Please interact, though, and share it with a friend, subscribe, et cetera. Leave a review. Those would all be great, wonderful things.

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So, the topic for this month, May 2019, is the orderly?—perhaps. Panicked? —definitely—process of scheduling out a hybrid author’s publication calendar. So I, myself, am a hybrid author. Conveniently, since that is the name of the podcast, anyway. I have a trilogy of books coming out through Parvus Press. Flotsam came out in March of 2018, Salvage comes out this September of 2019, and Cast Off should be coming out in 2020 at some point, I do not have a date yet. And so those are my traditionally published books.

I am at the mercy of the publisher’s calendar, of course, that’s part of the deal. As a result of that, I don’t know, necessarily, when things are going to happen, when they are scheduled to have copy edits, etc. These things tend to pop up, so what I really need to get in the habit of doing, I’ve realized, is not be crunched for time when I’m trying to meet my own publishing schedule. I have several various stream of publishing. I have my Patreon, at where I publish monthly episodes of Phantom Traveler and those episodes are paired— sometimes, I might be a little bit behind— with an illustration. That content comes out monthly.

Now, I started off 2019 by writing a bunch of those episodes. I wanted to do the drawings monthly just to keep up my illustration skills, so when I fell behind, I didn’t have a back-up because I didn’t batch those. But I did batch the writing. Now, the end of this month is the last batched episode of Phantom Traveler. So I need to be moving ahead on writing the rest of those for this year. That’s June through November. I do take December “off” from the Patreon content, but I will probably be using December to catch up on illustrations— the way things are going.

So, yes. I have content going out through Patreon. From last year’s Patreon—and I will hold this up for the viewers on YouTube— I have a collected book of the 24 episodes that I did in 2018. In 2019, as I said, I’m only doing them monthly. I decided that 24 was a lot. I’m writing the same amount of words but—am I writing the same amount of words? No, I don’t think I am. I used the illustration to take the place of the other episode each month.
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The Hybrid Author PodcastBy Rekka Jay