Beekeeping Buddies

Episode 9 - Honey Harvest, Flow Hives, Grafting Queens, Beekeeping Tours and More

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Welcome to Episode 9 of Beekeeping Buddies. The podcast where Steve and Luke talk about beekeeping in the Central Illinois area.

Around the Yard:

  • Harvesting Honey: We’ll discuss the best practices for harvesting honey in Central Illinois, including timing and techniques to ensure a successful yield, and how much we've gotten so far.
  • Flow Hives: An exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of using Flow Hives in our region.
  • Grafting Queens: Tips and tricks for grafting queens, a crucial skill for managing and expanding your apiary.
  • Beekeeping Tours: Sharing our recent experiences and insights from our beekeeping tours.

In the News:

  • The Indoor Farmer Podcast: Luke recently guest-starred on The Indoor Farmer podcast, where he shared insights on urban beekeeping and his journey from engineering to beekeeping.
  • Michigan State VSH Queens: Exciting developments from Michigan State University's research on Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) queens, which could revolutionize mite resistance in hives.
  • UBeeO Test Kits: A look at the new UBeeO test kits designed to help beekeepers easily monitor hive health and detect issues early.

Honeybee Hotline:

  • Queenless Hives in July: We answer viewer questions on how to determine if a hive has gone queenless in July, including signs to look for and steps to take to address the issue.

Droning On:

  • Mite Checks: As we prepare for winter, we'll discuss the importance of mite checks and the methods we use to keep our hives healthy.
  • Winter Treatments: An overview of the treatments we recommend to ensure your bees are well-protected against the cold months ahead.
  • Feeding Hives: Strategies for feeding your hives to build up their strength and resources for the upcoming season.

Tune in to Episode 9 for all this and more as we delve into the world of beekeeping in Central Illinois, providing you with practical advice, the latest news, and answers to your burning questions.


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Beekeeping BuddiesBy Luke Harvey