The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.

Episode Five. Triumph over adversity, the return of Big Sam, brown envelopes and a visit to the pond has consequences for Ricky, all discussed in this weeks episode.

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This week's special guests include former Millwall player Tobi Alabi sharing his incredible story of serious illness at the prime of his playing career, his experiences in Sweden and how to cope with life changing events. Our phone-in guest is Dillian Whyte trainer Mark Tibbs who discusses the intimacy of boxing training with Ricky "knows how to move, knows how to groove" Grover and the team comment on the latest football and sport topics with their own unique insight and opinion.
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.
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The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.By D2 Interactive