Rising TV and Film star, our very own Big Man is out filming Zapped with @James_Buckley at the world famous Pinewood Studios. So Shingles Boy @ZaneGroves1 sits in the big man's seat. The guys discuss putting GPS tracking on players, but is that laziness and what's wrong with watching the players? Have your say @TheRealOffside. Plus a full round-up of the FA Cup. All the action from your favourite #football podcast and we'll be back @AspersStratford soon for our semi Final live special. All are welcome so follow us online and come along and meet the gang. We look forward to seeing you down there and as usual please support the #therealoffside podcast by voting for us in the British Podcast Awards!!
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for TheRealOffside.com, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.