Rob takes a journey down memory lane. From his early career playing in the streets to @CAFCofficial, @WestHamUtd; with @Newcastle and ultimately to Three Lions on his shirt coming up in part two next week. When does a young aspiring footballer know he's got something special about him? How do you make it against all the odds? It's our most insightful look at Rob's career yet. Mistakes in football. The lads debate taking human decision-making out of the game. Or should refs wear a microphone? Producer Zane steadies the keel as Ricky phones in from the set of his latest TV show to berate Eddie about Arsenal. And, answers what happened to @mrdavidhaye. "He looked in good shape but something wasn't right from the outset". Did he bring the injury in to the ring? The team take a look at the pressure on Arsene Wenger and ask if it's acceptable. Still a genius or now just a has-been? Why leave Sanchez on the bench regardless of dressing room dissent. Tool of the week and all the action in your favourite football podcast #therealoffside.
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.