Lehman Ave Church of Christ

Equipped 2024 - "The Life Which I Now Live by Faith" by Gale Nelson

05.09.2024 - By lehmanavechurchofchristPlay

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April 18, 2024 - Thursday Evening 7PM Auditorium Speaker


Speaker: Gale Nelson 


The Life Which I Now Have By Faith

Gal 2:20

Necessity of Faith

Faith is mandatory and it is Intentional

Intentional Faith

-be deliberate, purposeful

-Heb 11:6 be intentional in what you believe, consistent

-Allow someone else to see your faith through your trust, dependence, confidence, and reliance on Christ

-Without these things you cannot have faith

-The purpose of the bk of John – Jn 20:24, 28 ***

* V29 – Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed”

*V31 – these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ.

-Persevere in faith without doubt

-Do you truly believe what God in Christ did for you?

-You read God’s word and question what it says but often will immediately believe what you hear/see online.


Deliberate Faith

-Seek him deliberately with all diligence

-What does it mean to seek diligently? We all need help in seeking – Bible study, Bible class, workshops, retreats.

- We need fellowship, deliberate attendance and interaction with other believers. Gal 2:20 We cannot matriculate through the Christian life alone.



Abundant Faith

-John 6: 35 When we are seeking we should hunger and thirst for righteousness

-8:12 Light of the world, you cannot compromise on your interaction with the darkness; you must walk as children of light.

-There will be opposition

-10:7 He is the door, the only door, the only way in which we enter

-10:11 He is the shepherd

-11:25 Salvation is only thru Christ


Being “In Christ” understand the benefits

Romans 8:1

Ephesians 1:3-7

No one can earn their salvation, we gain our salvation IN Christ and our faith, trust, and obedience in Him

2 Peter 3:9




Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaBP1sHE1dY


Duration 43:25

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