Lehman Ave Church of Christ

Equipped 2024 - Women: "Submitting to the Lordship Like Mary, the Mother of Jesus" by Kristy Woodall

05.09.2024 - By lehmanavechurchofchristPlay

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April 19, 2024 - Friday 10:00AM MPR 1 Speaker


Speaker: Kristy Woodall


Submitting to His Lordship like Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Lk 1:38

Faith that made her willing

Servant of God

Lk 2:35

She would suffer

Lk 2:48

Was she angry?

Lk 2:51

Cherished and committed to memory


Acts 1:14 devoted to prayer with the disciples after his ascension


Three things to consider when submitting to His Lordship – it is so much more than just baptism. There is a burden, a benefit, and a bargain

The Burden

The burden of Biblical submission – arranging yourself under another’s authority is very difficult for most to do. We cannot be our own boss and submit.

Matt 16:24 deny self and “take up your cross” death to self

Your life is no longer your own

You agree your wants and desires ambitions priorities DON’T MATTER

Matt 6:33 there will be sacrifices – going where you want, movies, books, language/conversions, you body (alc, drugs, gluttony, casual sex), clothing 1Tim 2:9

1Cor 6:19-20

We have to care more for our and the souls of others

You might be an outcast in life (work, school)

You can’t retaliate when provoked (i.e. traffic)

Matt 5:39

Submission is a lifelong endeavor of small as well as big sacrifices; you might have to separate from loved ones/relationships that are not scriptural

Titus 2 we are expected to teach

Heb 10:25 faithful attendance

2Tim 2:15 study on your won

Give back to God $$ and NOT your leftovers or 2nds

Mal 1:10 failure to actually worship

You should “feel” a sacrifice (is it real if you don’t feel it)

Eph 5:22 even if his idea stinks he has the final word

Submit to the eldership

The Benefit

1 John 5:11 eternal life

2 Thess 1:8=9 spared

Be in God’s presence

Sing praises

God will see you

Reunions with family

If promise of Heaven were the only benefit it would be worth the burden

You will never be alone/feel alone – you have Christ

No heartache, no tears in Heaven

Phil 4:7 (here)

Blessed with a new family in the church

Identity and purpose

Matt 20:19-20  Ecc 12:13

Col 3:4 He isn’t just an important part of your life; He IS your life

You have a purpose and a job

John 5:28-29 you know what will happen

Greater quality of life; God knows what is best, his rules benefit and protect us


If we agree to and abide by the “burdens” mentioned it still wouldn’t be enough.

The “bargain” is that Jesus paid our debt for us. Jesse chose debt so we can have the

“option” to submit and choose to do so. WE have the choice to accept the great bargain, the great deal that Jesus has to offer us.


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugJY9PNHx7w


Duration 38:08

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