The LAVA Flow | Libertarian | Anarcho-capitalist | Voluntaryist | Agorist

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Charlottesville, Virginia saw some really strange sights such as fascists and communists going to war again. Strange times we live in indeed. This is episode 48 of The LAVA Spurt. Fascists and Communists.  This episode is brought to you by Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom, helping you to become a smarter and more informed libertarian than ever before, for just 24 cents a day. There were a couple of pretty controversial issues last week that I have been asked by several of my awesome listeners to address. I tackled Libertarian Racists earlier this week in episode forty-seven of The LAVA Spurt that you can get to at This episode we're going to talk about communists vs. fascists and the Charlottesville, Virginia idiocy. We haven't seen such a battle between communists vs. fascists since World War II over seventy years ago! Strange how the more things change the more they stay the same. The initial rally by the alt-right was meant to protest the planned removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The city of Charlottesville voted to remove the statue earlier this year. The lineup of speakers included Richard Spencer, most famous for getting punched in the face, Augustus Invictus, most famous for drinking the blood of a goat, and Christopher Cantwell, most famous for, well, this riot in Charlottesville. The rally was billed as a Unite the Right rally, but there were almost no mainstream right-leaning people there. It was full of the alt right and Nazis and many other forms of racists.  Of course, the racists were met by a large counter-protest comprised of Antifa, communists, and other leftists.  Let's be clear, both sides of this situation were the very fringes of the left and the right, not the mainstream of either group.

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