Nothing Serious – Paul O'Flaherty

Fifty Shades of PETA – Nothing Serious #94

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It’s a real head-shaker this week as Daniel and Paul revisit zero tolerance stupidity in the case of a 9-year-old who was suspended from school for telling another kid that he could make him disappear with the “one ring” from Lord of the Rings. According to West Virginia lawmaker Brian Kurcaba – rape is “beautiful” is a child is born as a consequence, but even his idiocy may not stack up against the family that “kidnapped” a 6-year-old boy at gunpoint to teach him about stranger danger. PETA are in the spotlight again, and of course the guys couldn’t go the entire episode without discussing “50 Shades of Grey” or Steve Buscemi.

Stories mentioned in this episode of the Nothing Serious Podcast include:

  • Texas School Suspends 9-Year Old for Threatening to Make Classmate Disappear With the One Ring
  • West Virginia Republican Declares Rape ‘Beautiful’ If Child Is Conceived
  • 6-year-old boy ‘kidnapped’ by family for being too nice to strangers
  • Planting false memories fairly easy, psychologists find
  • PETA Killed or Caused to be Killed as High as 98% of Animals in 2014 and Submitted False Information to the Commonwealth of Virginia
  • 50 Shades of Grey or 50 Shades of Buscemi? (see video below)
  • ...more
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