Our Own Opinion Podcast

Filipino Stereotype | Season 3 Episode 6

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Mabuhay! I am so happy to collaborate with our friends on the Banana Q podcast! We have Dee and Rey to help discuss the Filipino Stereotype from North America and in Asia. We all shared our experiences on what other people/races think about Filipino's on their respective countries. This is a very informative topic that we have examine. We hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to join the conversation on out social media accounts!

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Follow our friends on Banana Q podcast: http://bananaqpodcast.com/


Intro music by:

Gelo Granados (https://gelogranados.com/)

Licensed to Our Own Opinion podcast

Check his music on: https://www.facebook.com/gelo.granados/


Ourownopinion podcast produce by Yellow Sons Production

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Our Own Opinion PodcastBy ourownopinion