I'll Go First® with Jessica Minhas

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Your Life and Bringing Dignity to Social Services with Social Entrepreneur Erine Gray

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Erine Gray, Founder of Aunt Bertha, was 17-years-old when his mom suffered an acute neurological illness that left her requiring around the clock care. Ten years later, just as Erine was starting his career, he took on full legal guardianship of her. Rather than being resentful of these new responsibilities, Erine found his purpose; to bring dignity to those receiving social service care. Erine shares with us how he’s made meaning of his story, how he found his purpose (and why he loves his job so much), and how he’s learned to put words to his experiences.

Goodies from this episode:

Watch Erine's TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nusGQs-qXBY

Aunt Bertha makes it easy to find out which either charitable or government programs are in your area. Simply, type in your zip code and we will tell you exactly what programs are in your area, which programs you qualify for, and what steps to take next. Learn more: https://www.auntbertha.com/

Have a nonprofit or social service organization that should join the Aunt Bertha network? Suggest here: https://findhelp.org/find_a_program

Find COVID specific support in your community: https://findhelp.org/

Connect with Erine: https://www.linkedin.com/in/basicgray/

In crisis? Text GOFIRST to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7 for free. 

Have a suggestion for us? Don't be shy! We'd love to hear from you. Say 'Hi' at [email protected] 

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I'll Go First® with Jessica MinhasBy I'll Go First®, Inc

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