Crissy, Maya and Gerald warm up and get their feet wet. In this episode, they discuss the joy of finishing, and writing good sentences and how they get ideas.
Links Mentioned in this episode:
The Art of Styling Sentences by Ann Longknife Phd and K.D. Sullivan
Writing Excuses
Crissy Moss’s Website
Gerald’s blog
This Weeks Writing Prompt:
Our prompt comes from Poets & Writers
In Lauren Groff’s novel Fates and Furies (Riverhead Books, 2015) a marriage is detailed first through the husband’s perspective, then the wife’s. His memories are fond, but hers, not so much. Take on that old adage about two sides to every story and pick a supporting character from a novel, film, or short piece, and rewrite a story from his or her point of view. Experiment with how a scene or plot can be completely transformed just by a change of perspective.