Phobos Militia Hobbycast

Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street Film Series

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Originally Published September 15, 2017

It's time to go down to Elm Street and see what's behind that red door...

Topics :

Favorite Nightmare Film?
The Brilliance of the Original
The Strength of Dream Warriors
Our 1st Freddy Experiences
Pop-Culture Personified
Marketing to Younger Audiences
Wes Craven: Genius Rising
How the Concepts of Freddy Were Born
Patricia Arquette > Tuesday Knight
New Nightmare Foreshadowing Scream
Craven Ushers in Postmodern Horror
The Original NOES Ending
Wes Craven vs. Robert Shaye
Layne Staley Resemblance
NOES Video Games: Past & Present
Craven Taps into our Primal Nature
Dreams = Infinite Possibilities
Freddy's Dead Fun & Oprah Noodlemantra
What Sets the Glove Apart?

NOTE: This is the final Phobos Militia Hobbycast recorded with Kyle before his tragic passing

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Phobos Militia HobbycastBy Jeff and Andrea Wittenhagen from Unky Kyle's Retroseum