Building While Flying

From a Near-Death Experience to Leading an 8-Figure Company Built on Kindness - Kari Warberg Block, Founder & CEO, EarthKind

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Kari Warberg Block is the Founder and CEO of EarthKind, an eco-friendly pest control product that keeps bugs and critters at bay without harming or killing them. She started EarthKind with just some seeds and a powerful vision for a kinder world—for people and critters. 


In this episode of the Building While Flying podcast, Kari shares her founder’s story: from growing up poor to a near-death accident, to building EarthKind into an 8-figure company and making the Earth a better place. Her biggest message to listeners is, “With a lot of passion and tenacity, and dog-headed discipline, you can make some amazing things happen.” 


Want to try EarthKind products in your home? Browse their products here or find them in a retailer near you.


NOTE: EarthKind is a client of The Sasha Group.


In-flight topics:

  • Kari’s founder’s story
  • Working with government bodies to change policy
  • Leading a company with purpose
  • Listening to your customers
  • Growing up on a farm
  • Treating the Earth better with better products


Connect with Kari & EarthKind:

EarthKind on Instagram: 

EarthKind on TikTok: 

EarthKind website: 

Kari on LinkedIn: 

Kari on Twitter: 

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Building While FlyingBy The Sasha Group

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