The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social - Brand Marketing and Business Growth Strategies for Christian Entrepreneurs

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From the New-Age to Jesus-centered. The coaching industry is very aligned with new-age philosophies, manifestation, and the universe, instead of focusing on scripture and bringing Glory to God. A triumphant and emotional story of going from the New Age to Jesus. New-age philosophies and idolatry have been around forever. The Old Testament is full of stories of people worshiping idols.  We are told over and over again, with the commandments and again by Jesus in the New Testament that we are to have no other God's before Him. New age philosophies are appealing to spiritual seekers because they mascarade as love and light. These beliefs appear harmless and feel good because they take away any restrictions on life. Satan uses these New Age things such as astrology, crystals, tarot cards, etc. to distract you. He desires to lead you away from Christ and into believing all of the answers lie within these earthly things. Deception is real As humans, we all want a quick fix, comfort, convenience, etc. However, God has called us to work for His glory. He doesn't promise everything will be easy and smooth sailing. He tells us in scripture that in this life there will be trouble, but not to fear because He has overcome the world (Satan). Doubt and fear may cause us to avoid doing the work necessary to grow as individuals and to grow our businesses. This may also come into play with forgiving others. But God has called us to forgive just as He has forgiven and if we do so, He will forgive us. The lies of the New Age beliefs When you are in the New Age, you think that bad things aren't going to happen to you. It takes time to realize that the law of attraction doesn't shield you from bad things. You may actually get something through the law of attraction, but then it disappears, it isn't lasting. Tara shared that she believes that many times people find it difficult to trust God because they have father wounds. They didn't have an earthly father that loved them and that they could trust, therefore they don't trust God as the Heavenly Father. Read the full show notes and access all links. Learn more about and connect with Tara: Website for Tara Mullarkey Tara's book: 7-Figure Coach. More resources on faith and entrepreneurship: The Influence of Faith on Business How to Obliterate Shame and Live Outside the Box of Cultural Norms as an Entrepreneur Yes, You are Worthy! The Example of the Proverbs 31 Woman  For more scripture verses to inspire you on your entrepreneurial journey, download the free eBook, 37 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Reflect On and Live By.   Apply for a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom Feature.

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