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We are beyond stoked to share this episode. Jason Gleason from Further Seems Forever joins Blake, Eric and Ian to discuss The Moon is Down. Jason and Ian toured The Moon is Down together as members of Further and share their experiences joining the band as Further fans, tour memories, favorite songs and more! It was a blast hearing these unique perspectives of one of our favorite albums from some of the dudes who helped cement Further Seems Forever's legacy. Give it a listen!
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We are beyond stoked to share this episode. Jason Gleason from Further Seems Forever joins Blake, Eric and Ian to discuss The Moon is Down. Jason and Ian toured The Moon is Down together as members of Further and share their experiences joining the band as Further fans, tour memories, favorite songs and more! It was a blast hearing these unique perspectives of one of our favorite albums from some of the dudes who helped cement Further Seems Forever's legacy. Give it a listen!