In this episode, your video game best friends Kelvin Tay and Afiq K
talked about Gamescon 2022 and highlighted 5 games that they think you should check out.
From Killer Klowns from Outerspace, Dune's latest MMO RPG game, to Dead Island 2 and some
more obscure games from new developers, you won't want to miss this.
Games we talked about and reacted to:
1. Killer Klowns from Outerspace
2. Dune: Awakening
3. Dead Island 2
4. Where Winds Meet
5. Everywhere
Epic Arcade is a proud member of the Renegade Radio Network, for more proudly buatan Malaysian podcast, check out WWW.RNGDR.COM.
Intro VO by Siren Calera.
Trailer clips are sourced from their original trailer.