The Happy Doc

#188: Getting Started, Breaking Through And Building Momentum

01.26.2020 - By Taylor BranaPlay

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Episode #188 is all about getting started again. Every individual has the opportunity to get moving again! When we stop, when we lose our momentum, it can feel so painful to get moving again. How do we generate that momentum? Coming from a psychiatry and psychology background, there are 3 major prongs to think about when it comes to our overall behavior. Those prongs are thoughts, emotions, and actions. These prongs affect how we go about our day.  Thoughts are impacted by our core belief systems. Core beliefs are a pattern of thinking created from past experiences, stories, and actions. Positive core beliefs can drive us forward. Negative core beliefs can hold us backward. A core belief of "I'm never good enough" creates thinking that focuses on ways we are never good enough. " If we think we are never good enough we will look at life from this lens and focus our energy on the ways we are weak.  Emotions are thoughts with energy as a by-product of associated situations with our past experiences and our overall sense of who we are. Emotions are a bit difficult to define, but when you consider a situation where something angers you. It is likely because it reminds you of a previous situation where you were wronged. Emotions can also be primal and allow us to be motivated to ultimately take action.  I like to focus on actions when it comes to getting started and altering thoughts and emotions. By taking positive action you can short circuit or overcome negative thoughts and emotions over time. What do I mean by this? If you wake up in the morning and think you aren't good enough, and yet you are able to take positive action, despite that belief, you can start to give yourself evidence to the contrary. If you feel sad or angry about a situation, you can convert that energy into action that helps soothe or transform that energy into something good for yourself. By taking positive action you can start to define actions that will allow you to ultimately move where you want to go. This morning, I realized I'd been stuck and slow when it came to podcasting and other projects. I decided it was time to just get moving. There were many reasons I could have decided not to move. I woke up late, my body felt tired and weak, I didn't feel very strong. But something happened, a thought inside of me came and told me, it was time to just get moving. I got up, threw basic clothes on, put on headphones and some good music, and drank a glass of water. I walked outside and just started to walk. That walk led to me deciding to go to my local gym and jog on the treadmill. That treadmill jog led to me stretching and doing some basic strength. That workout led to me having the energy to walk to the grocery store and purchase good ingredients to make for lunch. The workout also led to me deciding to do a live podcast episode on Instagram while recording. The flow of positivity is leading to me writing a more defined post for today's episode.  As I reflect on all of this, it is never too late to get started and get moving. Believe in yourself that you can be more, achieve more, and act more. By starting the process you can change the wiring of your mind and do life your way. Believe in the process, trust in these words, and get moving. You are 100% worth it, capable, and amazing. All of us have a story, create your beautiful journey today. 

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