Least Likely

God & Sex Part 2

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Welcome back to part two of our series on sex! Thank you so much to everyone who has listened to and provided feedback on this very touch topic! Talking about sex is never easy, but it must be done... 

Last week in part one we focused on God's framework, design, and intent behind marriage and sex. This week in part two we're focusing  on lust and sexual sin and what in the world do we do about it.

If you have small children with you or teens, I'd advise waiting to listen by yourself and screening the episode before sharing it with your kids! But I do definitely think this is a topic that is meant to be shared - NOT shied away from like we so often do, especially as Christians. 

Here is the link to the Andy Stanley series on marriage. (Referenced in the show.) It is so good and applicable to all relationships, not just for married/engaged people. 


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Least LikelyBy Taylor Bie

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