Jamie Rea and Kelsey Grant believe that true intimacy introduces us to our true selves and that we must face the depths of our own pain in order to call in legendary love. Prior to meeting, both experienced traumatic breakups and dove deep into their shadow work and personal healing. It provided them the foundation and the tools needed to create a healthy, conscious relationship.
Jamie Rea & Kelsey Grant are love and relationship coaches, Co-Hosts of the Power Couple Podcast, as well as Co-Founders of the online relationship school The Legendary Love Academy. They’re intent on bringing you all the essential love skills you need while having loads of fun along the way. Learning doesn’t have to be lame. In fact, when it comes to learning skills for love, dating and partnership, having fun and enjoying the process only make it stick faster and more efficiently. Their mission is to honour the sacred spaces of healing, repair and old hurts while also knowing when humour, lightness and open-hearted fun are needed.
Today Jamie, Kelsey, and I dig deep into what makes a great love relationship work, and how to create one through intention, self-awareness, and open communication. We talk about understanding our triggers and how to work through them, the the benefit of finding someone who is willing to do the work with you, and how to own the ways that you contribute to the relationship, whether good or bad.
Let’s dig in.
Thank you for joining me today! I loved this conversation so much. I could talk about love forever. I love Jamie and Kelsey’s advice to seek for wholeness over happiness, and to meet ourselves fully within so that we may embrace the magical connection to the world around us. Remembering that self-acceptance breeds so much power, and the most valuable thing we own is our story.
You can find Jamie & Kelsey on The Power Couple podcast, at www.legendaryloveacademy.com or on IG @thelegendaryloveacademy
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Today Gold is brought to you by LIV Media and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
LIV is an app that will launch Christmas 2019. I have partnered with a team previously of Disney/Pixar who wants so deeply to use tech for good.. and we’re using tech for great.
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Until next time – in the words of my grandma, “Love each other every day.”
In your ears, filling your heart.