Dear Liv

Gold with Jeanette Schneider Episode 60: The Beauty In Struggle with Jairek Robbins

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Jairek Robbins believes there is beauty in our struggles. At the age of 20, doctors told Jairek he only had 6 days left to live after contracting malaria. Thinking to himself, “This wasn’t the plan,” Jairek immediately put to use the tools he had learned over the years from books, tapes, and seminars, and started working on healing himself. Today, Jairek Robbins is the #1 Bestselling Author of Live It!, a Performance Coach & Lifestyle Entrepreneur, and founder of Performance Coach University.

Jairek Robbins is a man dedicated to helping professionals optimize personal performance and achieve success with purpose.
Jairek was awarded the Congressional Award (Gold Medal) from the United States Congress. He has conducted trainings for Harvard University, The United States Marines, The United States Air Force Special Forces, BMW, REMAX, UBS, Major League Baseball Teams and members of the U.S. Olympic team.
He is a trusted advisor and board member to a variety of different companies. Today, with over a decade of performance coaching experience Jairek continues to unlock secrets for maximizing performance and organizational success.
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Dear LivBy Jeanette Schneider

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