Michigan Policast

GOP voter suppression, Biden’s agenda, Connie Cook and Sandy Sorini-Elser of VNP

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  Michigan Policast for Monday, April 12, 2021

* COVID-19 updates: cases, hospitalizations, and vaccines
* Voter suppression
* Connie Cook and Sandy Sorini-Elser of VNP on redistricting and Communities of Interest
* Biden's bold agenda to heal America – guns, infrastructure, energy, and more
* Political notes
* Transcript

* @notpoliticians
* @RedistrictingMI
* @Michiganrebels1
* @LtGovGilchrist
* @darrincamilleri
* @stateinnovation

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* Segment one: COVID-19 updates: cases, hospitalizations, and vaccines
* Segment two: Voter suppression
* Segment three: Connie Cook and Sandy Sorini-Elser of VNP on redistricting and Communities of Interest
* Segment four: Political notes
* Transcript
* Comments

COVID-19 updates: cases, hospitalizations, and vaccines

* Members of Congress urge White House to surge vaccines to Michigan
* Whitmer asks diners not to eat indoors at restaurants for 2 weeks
* UM isn’t only Michigan hospital system canceling procedures over COVID
* Michigan lawmakers seek to win over skeptics in race to vaccinate
* States delay ordering all the vaccine doses available to them despite outbreaks – The Washington Post
* Michigan gears up for the next COVID-19 fight: vaccine passports | Bridge Michigan
* Detroit’s Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts Lag Behind as Infections Surge Again in Michigan – WSJ
* Bridge Michigan coronavirus dashboard
* As COV...
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Michigan PolicastBy Walt Sorg, Christine Barry