The Creative Crossroad


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After leaving school and deciding not to go to University, I worked my arse off for a few months working for nothing for a multitude of TV production companies as a glorified dogs body,

Literally starting from scratch, learning what I could when I could, in an extremely competitive industry.

6 months down the line, one morning i saw a job for a researcher position with Fflic, a TV production company run by a formidable business woman by the name of Gwenda Griffith. Without thinking too much about the job, or who Gwenda was, I wrote my covering letter, updated my CV and sent it in.

Miraculously, I got an interview and I prepared every line, every possible answer and envisaged every possible outcome. BUT, the day of the interview, after a good 20 mins of selling my soul to the interview panel, Gwenda stopped me in my tracks, took her glasses off, slammed the table and told me

"Cai, STOP. You're talking to me as if you've worked in this industry for years. Do you think you're acting like a know it all?"

I jumped out of my seat and it felt as if time had stood still..

After an awkward 15 or so seconds, i somehow wormed my way out of an awkward situation explaining that I was just desperate to prove a point that I was capable of doing the job advertised, even though I had just turned 18.

Gwenda's straight talking, no bullshit approach was quite eye opening as a fresh faced 18 year old, but I learnt so much from that interview and continued to do so for another 3 years, as she took me under her wing and offered me the job.

Also known as 'The Big G', Gwenda is a badass business woman and creative that I can now call a friend and I'm so happy we're finally recording this conversation, it's been something I've been keen to do for so long.

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The Creative CrossroadBy Cai Morgan