The Nosebleeds Podcast

Halloween Spooktacular 2020

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The gang is back and ready to get spooky!

No hockey news in this one. Just some of our favorite memories of Halloween. What are our favorite and least favorite candies? Regrettable costumes? Who made Halloween special for you?

Then we take your questions and discuss some of our favorite horror movies, NHL players as ghosts and cryptids, and even some theories about what happened to Casper the boy before he was Casper the ghost. 

Also, Ian and his friends are starting something fun - The Hockey Newsletter! You can subscribe at and make sure to check your promotions folder for the confirmation and all future releases!

This is The Nosebleeds Podcast!

Ian – @MaybeItsIan

Kristen – @kristenthemums

Trevor – @GoldsPersonal

RabidHabs – @RabidHabs

The Nosebleeds Podcast – @NosebleedsCast

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The Nosebleeds PodcastBy Ian Boisvert