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Ein HOOU Podcast der HAW Hamburg
Christian Friedrich in conversation with Maren Deepwell, CEO of the
Maren Deepwell’s blog: “Blogging about being a CEO, Anthropologist & Open Practitioner in Learning Technology” marendeepwell.com/
Maren Deepwell on the ALT website: www.alt.ac.uk/news/all_news/profile-maren-deepwell
The Lace Project, Delicate Checklist: www.laceproject.eu/ethics-privacy/
Virtually Connecting virtuallyconnecting.org/
Maha Bali blog.mahabali.me/
Martin Hawksey, The ALT Virtual Teams Stack, mashe.hawksey.info/2019/11/the-alt…al-teams-stack/
CMALT Accreditation Framework www.alt.ac.uk/certified-membership
The OER Conference 2020 oer20.oerconf.org/
#FemEdTech femedtech.net/
FemEdTech Quilt quilt.femedtech.net/
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women on the 99% INVISIBLE Podcast 99percentinvisible.org/episode/invisible-women/
#ALTC on Twitter: twitter.com/search?q=%23altc&sr…=typed_query&f=live
This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Der Beitrag Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU! Maren Deepwell: Open Communities erschien zuerst auf HOOU.
Ein HOOU Podcast der HAW Hamburg
Christian Friedrich in conversation with Maren Deepwell, CEO of the
Maren Deepwell’s blog: “Blogging about being a CEO, Anthropologist & Open Practitioner in Learning Technology” marendeepwell.com/
Maren Deepwell on the ALT website: www.alt.ac.uk/news/all_news/profile-maren-deepwell
The Lace Project, Delicate Checklist: www.laceproject.eu/ethics-privacy/
Virtually Connecting virtuallyconnecting.org/
Maha Bali blog.mahabali.me/
Martin Hawksey, The ALT Virtual Teams Stack, mashe.hawksey.info/2019/11/the-alt…al-teams-stack/
CMALT Accreditation Framework www.alt.ac.uk/certified-membership
The OER Conference 2020 oer20.oerconf.org/
#FemEdTech femedtech.net/
FemEdTech Quilt quilt.femedtech.net/
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Pérez
Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women on the 99% INVISIBLE Podcast 99percentinvisible.org/episode/invisible-women/
#ALTC on Twitter: twitter.com/search?q=%23altc&sr…=typed_query&f=live
This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Der Beitrag Hamburg hOERt ein HOOU! Maren Deepwell: Open Communities erschien zuerst auf HOOU.