Unleash Your Voice

Health, Happiness, and Human Design With Erika Ashley

10.30.2018 - By Daniele DriussoPlay

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Our Guest this week IS THE ONE AND ONLY Erika Ashley!

Erika Ashley helps you be your best self by eliminating self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns, so you can conquer overwhelm and re-discover fulfillment in your career and lifestyle.

Find Erika at:

@itserikaashley >> on all social medias

https://itserikaashley.com/ >> For your OWN Human Design reading AND so much more.


My human design link —> https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2dvgwd357i5dx4/Daniele%20Driusso-Human%20Design%20Chart%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0

Take the test: https://www.jovianarchive.com/


About your host:

Broke artist turned successful-prenuer, turned unhappy/wealthy/visible-prenuer, turned “is mcdonalds hiring on a remote island?”-prenuer.

Hiding behind strategy/tools/roadmaps I created as the reason “why” my clients were so successful was my downfall. I was more obsessed with hiding behind the “tools” than I was with owning the F out of who I was — and the power of my work. This made me numbers-obsessed, results-obsessed, and always feeling like I had a persona to protect.

Think : “Omg what if they find out I’m *not* as successful as they think I am”

Dissociation, numbing out and imposter syndrome - a memoir, that twas my life — and it kinda sucked… like… A LOT.

Now I am OBSESSED with helping unaligned entrepreneurs reconnect with their mission, and break free of the numbers so they can feel truly fulfilled in their work… AND LIFE.

Imagine working every single day as a commitment to yourself, to connect, dial in, and FULLY express yourself in every area of your life/biz.

Find Dani on instagram & facebook: @Danidriusso

Or at Danieledriusso.com

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