Redefining Society and Technology Podcast

Healthcare, Technology, Transhumanism, and a Garlic: A Deep Dive into the Future of Healthcare and Humanity | A Carbon, a Silicon, and a Cell walk into a bar... | A Redefining Society Podcast Series With Recurring Guest Dr. Bruce Y. Lee

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Book: The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI by  Ray Kurzweil  (Author)

Guest: Dr. Bruce Y Lee, Executive Director of PHICOR (Public Health Informatics, Computational, and Operations Research) [@PHICORteam]

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Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

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Episode Introduction

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Redefining Society Podcast. This episode also marks the return of the series "A Carbon, a Silicon, and a Cell Walk Into a Bar," wherein I'll be joined by my good friend and co-host, Dr. Bruce Y. Lee. Today, we're diving into a topic that perfectly aligns with the ethos of our series – transhumanism.

Setting the Stage

In our chat, Bruce and I discussed various facets of transhumanism, from its historical roots to the ethical dilemma it poses today. I opened the conversation by expressing how delighted I was to have Bruce, a man of many talents, join me. I emphasized his diverse background in journalism, medical expertise, and his strange affinity for avocados – a passion that I certainly share with him. We started by noting the sheer breadth of transhumanism – a term encompassing everything from genetic manipulation to uploading our brains to the cloud.

Human History Meets Future Potential

Bruce brought up a thought-provoking point about how humanity's journey with technology is not new. Even something as ancient as the wheel fundamentally altered what humans could accomplish. The act of inventing the wheel allowed humans to do things they couldn't do before, much like what transhumanist technologies promise today. However, Bruce and I quickly recognized that more complex technologies, like genetic manipulation and AI integration, bring forth a host of ethical and practical questions.

Confronting Ethical Questions

We moved on to discuss the ethical implications of transhumanism. Where does one draw the line between necessary medical interventions and unnecessary enhancements? For example, medical implants that help people with degenerative diseases are widely accepted. Yet, when technology is used to enhance human abilities – making one faster or smarter – the ethical waters become murkier.

Balance of Benefits and Risks

Bruce highlighted how society has historically handled similar ethical conundrums. One poignant example is performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Initially, these drugs were developed for legitimate medical use, yet athletes later adopted them to gain unfair advantages, skewing the level playing field. Bruce and I agreed that such parallels are worth pondering as we consider transhumanist technologies.

A Garlic-Inspired Reflection

Throughout our conversation, we found humor and caution in the metaphorical garlic Dr. Bruce brought along (as a background image) an amusing yet insightful reminder of the importance of asking questions. We concluded that while we should remain optimistic about technological advancements, it’s vital to ask intelligent questions and consider potential consequences before diving headfirst into uncharted waters. This garlic-induced paradigm should guide our approach to emerging technologies like AI and brain-computer interfaces.

Looking Forward

For future episodes, Bruce and I have a packed agenda. We'll tackle specific topics like healthcare inequality in the age of singularity, human augmentation, and even far-fetched ideas like uploading your brain to the cloud. Each of these topics offers a blend of promise and peril – perfect for a series dedicated to exploring how technology is both reshaping and being shaped by society.

Closing Thoughts

So, stay tuned, and don't forget to subscribe! We’ll cover these fascinating topics and much more in our upcoming episodes. And a special thanks to Bruce and the ever-vigilant garlic for reminding us to thoughtfully navigate the complex landscape of transhumanist technology.

See You Next Time

You'll find links to connect with Bruce and explore his incredible contributions in journalism and medicine. I promise you; he's just as insightful and entertaining as he seems in the series. So, see you next time – same bar, same garlic, new topics!



The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI (Book):


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Redefining Society and Technology PodcastBy Marco Ciappelli, ITSPmagazine