Finding Joy in Your Home

Homemaking in Light of Eternity – Episode 32

01.10.2022 - By Jami BalmetPlay

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We have a tradition around here. Each year when our annual online homemaking conference launches, I always share the first session for free here on the podcast. I always pour my heart and soul into that first talk and I love being able to share it with everyone here on the podcast.

Well, today launches our 8th online homemaking conference so today's talk is the opening session titled: Homemaking in Light of Eternity - how do we make Christian households that point to Christ? Listen in:

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What we are going to talk about today:

WHY this entire topic is so important

What does Scripture say about the household?

What wisdom from Proverbs do we see for our households?

It has never been more important to critically think through: The purpose of the household, our duties as Christian women, how we sold use our time, how we can glorify God in mundane moments, how we persevere through hard times, and what our joyful Gospel purpose should be n the days ahead.

It’s not acceptable, before the Lord, to carry on normal life, accepting the world’s standards as our own.

Thinking through our priorities:

The world tells us to seek our own pleasure eat all costs.

--> Christ tells us to deny ourselves and live a godly upright live in these present days (Titus 2:12 says, “training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age)

The world tells us to leave our husbands the moment our needs are not being met (or even, never to get married at al because you’ll be oppressed).

--> Christ tells us to love our husband and our children and to lay down our lives for others.

The world tells us that the things worth pursuing are bigger houses, nicer cars, a magazine worthy $50,000 kitchen or you are doing something wrong and all the strappings of a successful life.

--> Christ tells us that a successful life is to take up His cross daily and follow Him.

For those in Europe, Australia, and other places around the world, you’ve been living in a anti-Christian culture for a good 10 years or more. Here in the U.s. and Canada, its finally coming as well.

We no longer are part of the dominant culture.

We now have sesame street having a transgender story house.

We have phedophelic shows on Netflix, being applauded by the critics.

We have governing officials saying that parents shouldn’t be in control of, nor even being aware of, what their children are being taught in schools, medical procedures, or even hormone therapies and sex changes for children as young as 7 or 8.

We live in a culture that is hostile to Christ.

And instead of this making us fearful and fretful of the future, instead of making us anxious about the world our kids are growing up in...

It should be an exciting time to live.

We finally get to take all of these lessons from Scripture and really put them into action. There’s nothing like a little adversity to wake us up to how friendly with this world we’ve become and the immense joy we can have from serving the Lord, even under persecution.

It’s a time where living set apart for the Lord can truly shine.

It’s a time that instead of hiding in insane fear, we can proudly display the hope we have in God and be ready to share that hope we have.

2 Timothy 4:2 says, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desi...

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