Social science has a critical role to play in tackling the defining challenges of our times – from reconciliation, climate change and inequality to post-COVID recovery and the future of work.
In this conversation, Professor Mark Western and Professor Matt Sanders examine ‘why the social matters’ and the priorities, challenges and opportunities for social science in Australia.
Professor Mark Western is a sociologist and the Director of the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland. He works on applied projects across social policy, is a former Chief Investigator in the Life Course Centre, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.
Mark recently launched the 2021 State of the Social Sciences Report at the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia’s 50th Anniversary Symposium: The Social Future of Australia. This report highlights the depth and breadth of the social science ecosystem in in Australia, grand challenges for social science to address, and key priorities for the sector moving forward.
Mark and Matt discuss this important report in more detail, highlighting the importance of social science collaboration in understanding and explaining some of the largest and most complex problems facing Australia, and the world, today – and, most importantly, its vital role in designing and developing solutions that can make a real difference to society and improving people’s lives.
More information:
Professor Mark Western
Institute for Social Science Research
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
State of the Social Sciences Report 2021
50th Anniversary Symposium Recordings: The Social Future of Australia
Professor Matt Sanders
Life Course Centre