Why They Hate You

How to get more business today, as in right now after reading this article.

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How can you get your business more business? Well that’s the business of today’s post (I was trying to use the word business a lot as a joke.)

Every business needs customers, they need more money, they have to keep the machine humming along generating money. But sometimes for one reason or another, there is a slow down in the system. Your usual work rate slows down and everyone stops and looks at each other and thinks “Is this the end of the business?”

Your employees might be rejoicing about the prospect of sitting around and getting paid to do nothing. (foolishly not considering the fact that if it continued for any amount of time they will be laid off, have their hours reduced or fired.)

So what can you do, right now to get your business?

Well you might not like it, you might find it uncomfortable, even unsettling. But you should….

Handsome guy my wife wishes I looked like

If you want business, call your customers and ask for it.Rich Cunningham May 2020

That’s right. You just have to call your customers on the phone and say hello. Most people know what you are looking for already. I have phoned customers before and the first thing out of their mouth is “Im planning to come in I swear!”

Well good, lets book an appointment then. Whatever you do for business, your customers must like you, or at least need you when it comes to business or how are you still here? Under that assumption, we are free and clear to begin generating our business by giving people a call. If your business is big enough, and your employees capable enough you might even be able to delegate some of this to an employee. But don’t expect an employee to do very much work which generates them more work.

These employees need to be closely supervised, why do you think they spy on people in call centres like its the cold war? They know what they are up to.

Are you a delightful person to be around? If its acceptable, you might benefit from inviting some of biggest clients out for lunch. (Once we are allowed to go to restaurants again. I wrote this in May 2020 after all)

You see, although I haven’t experienced this much in my personal life. I am to understand that people like people more, who like them. It is the reverse of modern dating. If one of my biggest customers or suppliers invited me out to lunch with them, I would be very flattered, and feel much better about them as a company as a whole. I would probably go as far as to give them preferential treatment in the future. I certainly wouldn’t mind a phone call checking up on my business and seeing how I am doing during a traumatic event, like a giant global pandemic for instance.

So to summarize, if you want business today. Reach out to your customers, directly and let them know something. Let them know how you changed some thing that helps them, let them know about a new product that might help them be more successful, let them know you are still available to help them.

Let them know you are ready for business!

Your friend,

Rich E. Cunningham
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Why They Hate YouBy Why They Hate You