
How to lead a school right with Dr. Tony Lamair Burks II | EPILOGUE

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Learn how to lead a school right with Dr. Tony Lamair Burks II

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Dr. Tony Lamair Burks II is Chief Learning Officer of LEADright where he coaches and trains leaders for excellence. A three-time Fulbrighter, he was Superintendent-in-Residence with the National Center for Urban School Transformation and the founding principal-director of The Early College at Guilford, North Carolina’s first early college high school.  He is among five educators featured in Walking the Equity Talk: A Guide for Culturally Courageous Leadership in School Communities.  His comprehensive review process–The Essential Dimensions of Continual Improvement (EDCI)–distills his nearly three decades of experience with independent, private, and public education into actionable recommendations that lead to results. He has written six books including Bought Wisdom: Tales of Living and Learning , an interactive leadership memoir, and contributed to four including the international anthology, The Leader Reader: Narratives of Experience.  He is a graduate of Morehouse College, Trevecca Nazarene University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the Barbara King School of Ministry.and Kuwaiti schools.

Got questions for Dr. Tony Lamair Burks II? Message him here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tlburks2/

Go to www.LEADrightToday.com to learn more.

Check out his latest book here: https://www.leadrighttoday.com/boughtwisdom.html

What is LeadersInTouch Podcast?

In this podcast, we will talk about the ups and downs of being a successful school leader. So if you’re an aspiring leader or a new leader ready to learn what wasn’t taught in textbooks, this podcast is for you.

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