Wesley Foundation at MSU

How To Pray, prt. 2

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I’ve come to the conclusion that most people’s biggest problem with prayer is God.  They envisage him scowling, always disapproving, needing to be placated or persuaded in prayer." But Jesus says something completely different. The God to whom we pray is extravagantly kind, the father of the prodigal who comes running toward us with arms flung wide, whenever we approach him, wherever we’ve been, whatever we’ve done. [How To Pray, Pete Greig] 

The word P.R.A.Y. is our How-To-Pray outline.  Last week we learned that prayer starts with a PAUSE. Tonight, R is for REJOICE, because adoration focuses our prayer on the character of God. 

"Lord, teach us to pray." Lk 11.1

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Wesley Foundation at MSUBy Wesley Foundation at MSU

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