
How to Survive the Dreaded Quarter-Life Crisis

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Elise is turning 25 this week, so the quarter-life crisis feels are running high on our team. We’re talking what the quarter-life crisis is, what triggers it, and how to just not give a shit. Plus, we’re giving our humble opinions on Lindsay Lohan’s new lifestyle site, Kylie and Kendall’s blatant disrespect for musical icons, and Bachelor in Paradise’s future (as always).

What’s Happening in the News?

  • Lindsay Lohan launched a lifestyle site and it costs $2.99 a month.
  • Kylie & Kendall Jenner put their faces over a bunch of musical legends on T-shirts.
    • Sharon Osbourne was NOT having it.
  • http://www.refinery29.com/2017/06/161306/kendall-kylie-vintage-shirts-black-culture-appropriation?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=post
  • Bachelor in Paradise will show Corrine and DeMario before the incident + discuss what happened when the show premieres.
  • Real Talk: The Quarter-Life Crisis is Happening

    What are the triggers?

      • Love life. Whether you’re single or in a long-term relationship without being engaged, the pressure is there. JUST LET ME LIVE.
  • Friendships. Your friends are either on baby #2 or they’re still partying 4 nights a week. There is no in-between.
  • Work. Not making as much as you’d like? Maybe you’re thinking about going back to school? Who tf knows what they want to do when they grow up??
  • Finances: 401k, IRA, emergency fund, credit score blah blah blah. Basically you’re too old to ask your parents for money anymore.

    • YOUR BODY. Weight gain. Cellulite. Spider veins. Wrinkles. It’s all happening right fucking now. Also less energy and a harder time losing weight.


      • Meleah: the worst part for me is that I’m old/mature enough to know that I shouldn’t care about these things… but I STILL CARE OKAY.

    Dear HBIC

    • “So I have two friends-slash-acquaintances who are pregnant. They’re both friends of friends (one of them is my boyfriend’s best friend’s wife). Well, a mutual friend is texting me asking what I think about throwing them a joint surprise baby shower since they are both having boys and they are due around the same time in like September or October. I really feel like she’s trying to get me to volunteer my house for this but liiiiiike….is it my responsibility to throw these people a baby shower??????? I feel like I know them well enough to GO to their baby shower, but I’m not sure I feel close enough to them to be the one who is hosting it. Plus she’s wanting to do it at the end of August, which is going to be a CRAZY time for me since I’ll have just quit my job to start grad school. Oh and not to mention i’m going to be broke af. Because grad school.
  • Our answer: That’s weird AF. Tell her no. Make an excuse. Do what you have to do. But that’s just weird for everyone involved -- and it sounds like you have better shit to do.
  • BTW, don’t forget to send us your Dear HBIC questions!!! Send to: [email protected].
  • Would You Rather…

    • Live to the age of 90 and retain the mind of a 25-year-old for the last 65 years of your life, or the body of a 25-year old for the last 65 years of your life?

    What We’re Loving This Week

    • Meleah: Follow up on “what we’re loving” from two weeks ago: GLOW rocks. This week, I’m loving secondhand fast fashion. Forever 21 clothes at Goodwill prices? Yes plz.
  • Elise: My new notebook from The Crybaby Club. It says “I may cry but I can still get things done” and it was my birthday gift from Meleah and Christine.
  • ...more
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