Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

How & Why to Use Crystal Oracle Cards + the BEST Crystals for Card Readings

10.16.2018 - By Ashley LeavyPlay

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Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks!) where you’re feeling totally overwhelmed? When this happens, you may feel scattered, lacking your usual confidence, or just plain stuck.  So how do you move beyond it? With a little guidance from the Universe, of course!


UPDATE: This article previously mentioned White Sage and Palo Santo among the recommended methods for cleansing your stones. Smoke cleansing using these materials is culturally appropriative in the context it was previously described, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change. Further, the term "smudging" has been updated to "smoke cleansing," since the term smudging was incorrectly applied to the act of cleansing crystals without the cultural context and deeper meaning connected with the act of smudging by Indigenous people.

Crystal oracle cards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to tap into your intuition and call forth just the message you need to get you headed in the right direction.  Whether you’re having trouble making a decision, need a little clarity about a situation, or want a little support and encouragement from your guides or angels, oracle cards are a great tool to help you create just the mindset shift you need.

So what exactly are crystal oracle cards and how do they work?

You may be familiar with Tarot cards, but oracle cards are quite different.  Where Tarot cards follow suits in the minor arcana and have strong archetypes associated with the major arcana cards, oracle cards don’t require you to have an encyclopedic knowledge of their meanings before you use them. Instead, they leave a lot of room for your own interpretation. In fact, their ability to promote free-flowing, intuitive associations is one of the reasons they work so well!

Their images, messages, and themes encourage you to tap into your own inner guidance and focus in on what’s meaningful to you in this moment in time.  This is just one of the reasons modern oracle cards have become more and more popular in recent years. The rise in the popularity of oracle cards has led to many people starting to incorporate this divinatory method as part of their daily spiritual practice.

I personally like to pull a card or two to start my day.  Then I’ll place the cards somewhere I’ll see them often throughout my day as a reminder of the messages they’ve given me. Sometimes I’ll even do a quick spread before or after my daily meditation. If my reading is particularly insightful, I’ll add the cards to my altar for a few days and meditate on their meanings for some extra insight and clarity.

The great thing about working with this type of intuitive tool, is that there’s no right or wrong way to go about it; it’s all about tuning into your intuition and doing what feels right.

So how do you get started?

Begin your reading by choosing a spread.

Most divinatory cards, both tarot and oracle, are used with specific spreads or layouts to help you put each card into context.  For example, you may draw one card for daily guidance, with the intention that the card you pull each morning is relevant for your day ahead.  It may offer some guidance on things to be especially aware of that day. Alternatively, you may choose a simple layout like a 3-card spread. This type of layout is usually associated with a timeline or used for decision making.

For a 3-card timeline spread:

The first card you pull represents past influences. The second card represents your current situation and the third card represents where you’re headed.  

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