Marketing Mambo

How Writing a Book Can Increase Your Sales & Marketing Effectiveness with Michael DeLon

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Nearly 10 years ago, Michael DeLon escaped prison... Not a literal prison, but an emotional one. 

He was in a job that he once loved but had started to drain him - and he knew he needed to get OUT. He had a marketing background so he went out and started helping business owners grow. A short time later, he found myself back in prison. So being a man of faith, he asked to be led. 

He felt called to write a book, and compiled his marketing knowledge together and published it in 2013. That book changed his life and business. 

He began to mail propspects a copy of the book BEFORE their meeting, and by the time they got together, the prospects felt like they already knew Michael. They read the book, trusted his expertise, and the sales practically made themselves. 

Today Michael helped hundreds of business owners publish best-selling books that have earned them dozens of clients and thousands or more in revenue. 

When you’re a published author, you’re immediately more credible and viewed as more trustworthy than your competitors who are not. 

You can:

* Differentiate yourself and be seen as the expert
* Easily generate referrals without having to ask
* Convert more leads into clients without spending more on advertising
* Attract new leads
* Gain instant credibility and status

If you want to be an Amazon Best-Selling author without having to write a single word, contact Michael or go to to learn more! 

Contact Michael at:  (Get Your Credibility Score )  (Experts Speak Podcast)  (Company Website)

Email: [email protected]

If you'd like to talk to Terry McDougall about coaching or being a guest on Marketing Mambo, here's how you can reach her:

Email: [email protected]

Her book Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms is available at Amazon

Here's how you can reach host Terry McDougall:

[email protected]

Her book Winning the Game of Work is available at Amazon

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Marketing MamboBy Terry McDougall

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