After too long a delay Inner Demons is back with another new episode! This time Chris and Brian are talking about Iceman getting dating assistance from the Champions and little kid Spirits of Vengeance on flaming Big Wheels, among other things. Reviewed this episode are Iceman # 6-7 and Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur # 24. Also, as a special flashback section, we review two 1990s promotional comics: Marvel Collector's Edition (1992) # 1 from Charleston Chew and Ghost Rider Collector's Edition (1993) # 1 from Kaybee Toys! You can listen to the episode at the Vengeance Unbound page on blogspot, or you can download it from either Stitcher or iTunes . You can also find us on Facebook, just search for "Vengeance Unbound" and on Twitter under @InnerDemonsGR. Thanks for listening!