Inner Demons - A Ghost Rider Podcast

Inner Demons Episode 21: "Punching Robot Zodiaks"

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Inner Demons jumps into the "Damnation" event with our extra-special crossover review of Doctor Strange: Damnation # 3!  If you want to hear reviews of the first two Damnation issues, plus loads of tie-ins, check out the other podcasts involved in this special crossover event: The Immortal Iron Fist Podcast - Sons of the Dragon, Defenders TV Podcast, and Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast!  Also, in an extra-special tie-in flashback review segment, Brian and Chris review the "Strange Tales" crossover from 1991 between Ghost Rider (1990) # 12 and Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme (1988) # 28!   You can listen to the episode at the Vengeance Unbound page on blogspot, or you can download it from either Stitcher or iTunes .  You can also find us on Facebook, just search  for "Vengeance Unbound" and on Twitter under @InnerDemonsGR.  Thanks for listening!
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Inner Demons - A Ghost Rider PodcastBy Chris Munn and Brian Biggie

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