Inner Demons is a proud member of the Church of Celestial God Vomit, and with our guidance you too can practice the beliefs of the space gods! Our reviews of Avengers (2018) # 3, 4, and 5 will surely bring you to your knees in worship of the Final Host! Don't listen to that heretic and blasphemer Frank Castle, though, for our sermon on Cosmic Ghost Rider # 1 will prove him to be the Devil himself. He even punches poor defenseless toddlers in the face! Peace be with you space brothers and sisters! You can listen to the episode at the Vengeance Unbound page on blogspot, or you can download it from Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Podcasts. You can also find us on Facebook, just search for "Vengeance Unbound" and on Twitter under @InnerDemonsGR. Thanks for listening!