Okay people, you don't need Inner Demons to tell you how awesome Ghost Rider is or how essential to your daily lives these comics truly are. You certainly shouldn't have to listen to Chris and Brian as they thoughtfully do a critical autopsy on such works of four color art as Ghost Rider (1973) # 9, Ghost Rider (1990) # 14, and Ghost Rider (2006) # 4. You don't NEED such an in-depth analysis in your lives, but wouldn't you just give anything to have it? Wouldn't you sell...YOUR SOUL???? You can listen to the episode at the Vengeance Unbound page on blogspot, or you can download it from Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Podcasts. You can also find us on Facebook, just search for "Vengeance Unbound" and on Twitter under @InnerDemonsGR. Thanks for listening!