Merry Ghostmas from Inner Demons! Chris and Brian are delivering an early present for Vengeance Eve with our special holiday episode! We look at the Christmas classic "Silent Night...Deadly Night!" from Marvel Two-In-One # 8, then we round out the episode with discussions about the decidedly non-yuletide Ghost Rider (1990) # 16 and Ghost Rider (2006) # 6! Just like Santa Claus, Ghost Rider knows when you've been naughty, when you've been nice, and when you've spilled innocent blood. You can listen to the episode at the Vengeance Unbound page on blogspot, or you can download it from Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Podcasts. You can also find us on Facebook, just search for "Vengeance Unbound" and on Twitter under @InnerDemonsGR. Thanks for listening!