Dante's Divine Comedy

Interview: TomLABooks, Inferno 26, and Intellectual Hubris.

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In this episode we're having independent Dante Researcher Tom LA Books back for a conversation about the Big Picture of the Divine Comedy. 

We'll talk about how we can see some of the major themes of this overall picture in the contrast between Ulysses' "Mad Flight" in Inferno, and the beginning of the Journey in Paradiso. We'll also touch on philosophy, theology, psychology, practical life-advice from Dante, how life can change around 30, and countless small points and ideas of wisdom and beauty everywhere in the Comedy.

Catch Tom's next video, and follow his Journey through Paradise!


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A special thanks goes out to our generous Patrons: Caldazar, Seán Eckmann, Laura Daligan, Michael Leighty, Claudia, Aidan Chavasse and Santheep on patreon.com/ancientworld - thank you!

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Dante's Divine ComedyBy Richard Emerson

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