Contemplate This!

Interview with Maria Gullo

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Maria Gullo describes how God frees us from the "imposter self" in contemplation, and how a daily practice helps to integrate our many roles in life.
Maria Gullo is a fellow teacher of Centering Prayer and on the Insight Timer app, the creator of, a trained and experienced spiritual director, and a small business owner. Maria first reached out to me after we found each others' teachings on Insight Timer, and it took is over a year to finally connect. The word that stands out for me from this interview is "integration." Maria wears many hats in life, but she refuses to be divided or fragmented by different roles - it's her contemplative practice, her resting in divine stillness, that integrates her life into a coherent whole. This is both nourishing and healing for her and for those who encounter her.
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Contemplate This!By Tom Bushlack

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