This is a rerelease of the original podcast recorded on February 3, 2002, to celebrate Marla McDaniel's dedication to the Amelia Island Writers. She is retiring and starting a new chapter in her life in Florida. We thank her and wish her well! Marla grew up between homes in south Florida and an Indiana family farm. She enjoys small towns, country roads, islands, antiques, and history. Amelia Island contains, within its small area, the qualities she and her family enjoy as their residence. Appreciation of historical sites led her to efforts in the preservation of old railroads, bridges and depots. She took part in the nationwide transportation agenda to recycle abandoned railroads into community trails. She likes to write non-fiction and values the camaraderie and support of writers in a vibrant artistic community. Marla retires as the coordinator of Amelia Island Writers (AIW), a chapter of FL Writers Association. AIW hosts monthly programs of interest for established and aspiring writers of all genres. Contact her at:
[email protected] Please contact:
[email protected] Music attributes: "Miracle" Music by Dream Machine; "Tiny People" Music by Alexei De Bronhe; Smile" Music by Gabriel Widescreen Episode Artwork attribute: 116245741 © Rawpixel Images |