
Iron Fist | Season 01 Preview

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(Recorded February 22nd, 2017) Aaron, Kova and Steven are joined with Jon from Friday Night Fandom and Ryan from Comic Slobs to break down their expectations or Marvel and Netflix's Iron Fist Season One! Aaron maybe under the weather and Jon might not know who Iron Fist is but thankfuly everyone brings their A game. Steven who barely knows who Iron Fist is and Ryan from Comic Slobs (Need I say more?) help everyone understand who Iron Fist is and what we could expect for Season 1.

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You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10

Find Ryan on comicslobs.com and on twitter @Comic_Slobs

Find Steve on facebook.com/spoilersteve and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve

Find Jon on twitter @FNFandom and on facebook.com/FridayNightFandom

Find Aaron on facebook.com/nerdp0rn  

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