The Optimal Performance Guide

James Valentine - Journey towards mastery, flow state, and mindfulness

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Ok guys I’m very excited to have my good friend James Valentine on the show today!
James is literally one of the nicest humans u could ever meet and an insanely talented musician and song writer.
He is the lead guitarist for maroon 5 which is one of the most successful bands of all time. They have won multiple Grammys, AMA’s and a ton of other awards. The majority of the band has been together for 20 years and show no signs of slowing down so lots of new music coming our way. Including a new album the band is currently working on during this pandemic.
In this episode we cover:
-The never ending path to mastery.
How a deeper understanding of time and sound are fundamental to his journey towards mastery.
-How he constantly re-calibrates on stage to come in and out of a state of flow.
-How nerves and anxiety around a performance impact him and tools he uses to overcome these feelings and emotions.
-And something unique about James is he has done several 10 day silent retreats and is a very educated and practiced meditator.
He believes everyone could benefit from a long retreat like this but knows very few will actually do it. And the true benefits of any mindfulness practice are found in actually doing the work
So in light of this James gives us a special gift at the end of this episode by guiding us thru a 10 day silent retreat in 1 min.
U may be asking how is that possible? Well to find out u will just have to listen.
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The Optimal Performance GuideBy Rory Cordial

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