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The DDCP crew welcome a special guest this week. Standup comedian and improvisor Jesse Hill Jr. He talks about his near death experience that involved Toys R Us, a car accident, and an icy winter morning. They cover everything from religion, to near death experiences, and even PTSD. So come check it out!
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Jesse Hill Jr : @jessehilljr727
Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedy
Amber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86
Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod
3636 ratings
The DDCP crew welcome a special guest this week. Standup comedian and improvisor Jesse Hill Jr. He talks about his near death experience that involved Toys R Us, a car accident, and an icy winter morning. They cover everything from religion, to near death experiences, and even PTSD. So come check it out!
Sponsored by Anchor by Spotify. The best way to create and distribute your podcast!
Jesse Hill Jr : @jessehilljr727
Winston Hodges IG/Twitter: @winstonhcomedy
Amber Hendrix IG: @amberjack86
Dead Dad Comedy Pod IG: @deaddadcomedypod