Joe Hupp of Australedonian Geckos and Dart Frogs is a keeper and breeder of many exotic and rare species that are coveted by keepers, breeders and enthusiasts. Our discussion will cover a wide array of species and locals including specific husbandry. We will focus on African and Australian species in this special episode. There are so many different and amazing species available for us to work with today. This episode will surely expand your horizons and help you consider adding something very special to our collection. We welcome your phone calls. Call in with questions and discussion topics. The call in number is 646-478-5331. Once connected press #1 to be put into the call que to come on the air. If you'd just like to listen on your phone don't press 1 and you will be able to hear the live broadast. If your on a tablet or PC join us in our chatroom while the live show airs by following this show link.
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